Kaya, Naliyah. 2021. "Challenging and Changing Racial Categories? Interracial Marriage and Multiracial Americans." In Kathleen Odell Korgen & Maxine P. Atkinson (Eds.), Sociology in Action: Race and Ethnicity (pp. 245-266). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publication, Inc.
Kaya, Naliyah. 2021. "Existing In-Between: Embodying the Synergy of My Ancestors." In Marc P. Johnston-Guerrero and Charmaine L. Wijeyesinghe (Eds.), Multiracial Experiences In Higher Education: Contesting Knowledge, Honoring Voice, and Innovating Practice (pp. 118-128). Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing.
Buck-Coleman, Audra, Naliyah Kaya, and Cheryl Fogle-Hatch. 2021. “5 Accessibility and Inclusion Insights from Producing an Exhibition During COVID.” Paul Orselli. ExhibiTricks: A Museum/Exhibit/Design Blog. April 4, 2021.
Chapman, Natasha H. and Naliyah Kaya. 2020. “Leadership Snapshot: Meaning-Making Through Digital Artifacts.” In Jillian M. Volpe White, K. L. Guthrie, & M. Torres (Eds.), Thinking to Transform: Facilitating Reflection in Leadership Learning [Companion Manual] (pp. 51-52). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
Kaya, Naliyah and Natasha H. Chapman. 2020. “Leadership: Changing the Narrative.” In K. L. Guthrie & D. M. Jenkins (Eds.), Transforming Learning: Instructional and Assessment Strategies for Leadership Education (pp.121-122). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
Kaya, Naliyah. 2021. “Redefine/ABLE: A Moment or a Movement?” In REDEFINE/ABLE: CHALLENGING INACCESSIBILIY Catalogue (pp. 72-75). Baltimore, MD: The Peale.
Rosenblum, Karen E., Naliyah K. Kaya and John N. Robinson III, eds. 2009. Diversity at Mason: Student Research on Student Identity. Fairfax, VA: A George Mason Publication on Diversity.